Beer Timeout
With 100% positive feedback (from around 20 people) on the inaugural wine production, I've ordered the next batch of Riesling grapes for the fall. Tentatively, the harvest is set for October 24th. In the coming weeks I will set up a New York Limited Liability Company and begin the process to obtain both a farm winery and wine store license.
In the meantime, I decided to try my hand at beermaking. I ordered the malt and hops from Fallbright. I received a hopped malt concentrate and brewer's yeast packet from an Australian company called Coopers. The resulting beer should be an ale.
I used Munton's light dried malt extract from the UK as a fermentable sugar.
Good thing this is happening in the basement. I ordered 48 - 12 ounce bottles, caps and a bottle capper. If the beer tastes good next week, I'll bottle it and give it away.
In the meantime, I decided to try my hand at beermaking. I ordered the malt and hops from Fallbright. I received a hopped malt concentrate and brewer's yeast packet from an Australian company called Coopers. The resulting beer should be an ale.
I mixed up the ingredients with 2 liters of boiling water in a large pot.
I siphoned the boiled mixture into a carboy and added another 15-16 liters of water.
Fermentation underway, with foam pouring out of the airlock. Fermentation takes place at 72 degrees F.