Filtering and Bottling - End of the Line?
Six months since the grapes were picked. Today the wine is bottled. I am thrilled that the taste and color have met my expectations. Very satisfying to get this far.
Loading the filters into the pump assembly.
Connecting the tubes to the chilled and unfiltered wine.
Running the pump and filtering the wine.
The finished wine in blue bottles with labels. Nice!
The bottles in a case.
Carboy 1 is history. We bottled the wine after coarse grain filtering using a Buon Vino motorized pump and filter. The result was 25 bottles and 1/2 half bottle. I used the half bottle to top off carboy 3. I labeled the other 25 bottles and placed them in cases.
Carboy 1 is history. We bottled the wine after coarse grain filtering using a Buon Vino motorized pump and filter. The result was 25 bottles and 1/2 half bottle. I used the half bottle to top off carboy 3. I labeled the other 25 bottles and placed them in cases.
50 more bottles to go (including the Oak Riesling) and then no more winemaking until the fall. In the meantime, I am planning a lot of hard cider and maybe an experimental beer.