
Showing posts from February, 2012

Building the Factory Floor

As the Shier Winery becomes licensed, its time to plumb the lines and get the physical plant in order.  Sickler's Glass in Ulster Park, New York will be installing 86 inch high by 1/2 inch thick tempered glass panels that will enclose the bonded winery area, excluding any personal property of yours truly.  To prepare for fermentation tanks, plumbing modification are needed so I can rinse and drain the tanks.  A double-wide wash basin and pump will provide for drainage.   An overhead spigot will provide for spray hose connections above the tanks. Before installation of water line, drain pump and wash basin. The Shier lab before installation of tempered glass.

Shier Winery Approved at Alcohol Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)

Earlier today, I received an email with the following message, "This is to advise you that the status of your Permits Online application  ... has changed to Approved."  Hooray!  That means the Shier Winery is now approved at both the local level (Town of Esopus) and the federal level (Federal Basic Permit).  It is time to move on to the last leg in the winery approval process, ie., the New York State Liquor Authority.  The NYSLA does not have an electronic application system, so I'll need to prepare 40+ pages of printed material including color photographs, surety bonds, and the like.  It's good to have some momentum.   Below is a link to the TTB's website: